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3:14 p.m. - 2005-04-06
shut it
I swear everytime I start to update I get slammed with a ton of work to do. These people think I actually have to work for my paycheck .. go figure.

Not much really going on in my life except trying hard to not strangle my daughter. She's been such a shithead lately and she's driving me crazy. All she does is talk back and argue. The kid is only 7 years old, I'm dreading her teen years. I can give her spankings, take things away and it's always the same, she just continues to be sassy. It's driving me crazy. I finally got to the point this morning where I yelled at her to shut up and not talk to me until she could get over her attitude. I hated that I was pushed to that point but the kid just won't stop and I don't know what to do anymore. I've seriously thought about putting her in a catholic school but then everyone always says they end up worse .. I'm just at my wit's end!


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